Progress report 1

Four weeks ago I put up the opening segment of my little game and sadly things have slowed down a bit. I have been having a hard time figuring out how to move forward. The issue wasn't so much what I should design or write next, I had most of that figured out, but the issue was finding the motivation to move forward. Multiple times over the last few weeks I would open up Aseprite to start drawing my next segment of the game only to stare at the screen for a few hours and then close it. 

I think I have a plan to help get things moving. I'm going to set a goal for myself to post on here something new I've done in my game. Whether that's a new environment, character sprites or event scripting. I'm not promising every update will be huge, but it will be something and I do want to get a decent pace going for making this. I have other ideas that have been coming to me and other game engines or programs I want to play around in so I don't want those plans to languish while I slowly prod away at this one project.

So in the spirit of my weekly posts, here's a very early look at the main street of the town the bulk of the game will take place in. My original idea for the game was to have a world map of sorts where you would travel to several different towns with some weirdness occurring in them. Instead I've changed this around and now it will be a single town that you visit over four different periods in time. The screenshot here is for your introduction of the town in 2020. The building being labeled "MART MART" is deliberate. Along the left side of the screen will be a small parking lot and to right will be homes leading up towards a town hall. In the center space between the building is going to be a back alley. If your wondering what is going on with those colored lines all over screen, those are blocks that are the size of a single screen. I'm using those to reference where my camera switches will inside of GB Studio.

So that's what I have for today. The hope is to have the exterior environments for the town in 2020 ready by next Friday. I look forward to the next check-in.
Hope anyone reading this has a wonderful weekend and plays some fun games. Personally I'll be finally diving into Nier Automata. It's been sitting on my shelf for years now and I need to see what it's all about.

See you all later!

Get Phenomenology

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